From the blog

Interesting articles and news about the project

Project Presentation, Cultural Tourism, Use Case Presentation

5Dculture @ ECTN Conference Dublin (23-26.10.2024)

The 17th ECTN conference with main theme 'European Collaboration for Smart and Sustainable Cultural Tourism Destinations' will discuss the latest trends in the field of culture, heritage, smart and sustainable tourism; including innovation, ​accessibility (for the first time) and...

Project Presentation

5Dculture @ European Heritage Hub Forum (7.10.2024)

The European Heritage Hub will hold its second in-person forum titled “Championing a responsible digital transition for and with cultural heritage” on 7 October 2024 in Bucharest, Romania, and online and the 5Dculture partners will have the opportunity to showcase the projec...

3D, tourism, hologram, storytelling, postcard

Tourism Postcards Digitally Redefined

Idrija, Slovenia's UNESCO-listed mercury mining town, is at the heart of an innovative pilot to re-think the digital-physical experience of cultural heritage. The 5DCulture initiative is exploring ways to repurpose existing 3D models for tourism without breaking the bank on new t...

Conference, CHNT, Reuse Scenarios, Engage

5Dculture @ CHNT in Vienna 4-6 Nov '24

We are thrilled to announce that we will host the panel "Heritage Reloaded: Innovative Reuse of 3D Cultural Content" at the Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT) in Vienna from 4-6 November 2024! Nearing the end of our 5Dculture project venture, our consorti...

Press Release, Social VR, Fashion Heritage, Exhibition, Event

"Fashion Beneath the Skin" - Experience Fashion in a new Dimension

From 26-28 June 2024 you will have the unique opportunity to explore 5Dculture's collaborative social Virtual Reality (VR) installation “Fashion Beneath the Skin”, showcasing the potential of reusing digitized material and 3D garments in combination with new technologies. It is a...

Workshop, Project Presentation, 4CH Project

5Dculture @ Ferrara: Conference on 3D Digitisation (10.04.2024)

Taking the opportunity of having the various project team members on site in Ferrara, the team of Inception and FBK organised a workshop for students and staff of the University of Ferrara, more specifically tailored to the Department of Architecture, to introduce the project and...

Project Presentation, Video, YouTube

5Dculture on YouTube

Video documentation our project's progress – from short statements by our consortium members to insights into the educational events carried out at the University of Jaen, Spain, or the fun of virtually trying on our 3D scanned hats – it's all there for the public to enjoy!Visit ...

Project Presentation, Use Case Presentation, Historic Buildings and Cityscapes, Cultural Tourism

5Dculture @ Urban Future Conference in Rotterdam (5-7 June 2024)

Update: Click to access the link to the presentation given by Alexandru Stan of IN2 at the UF24 conference.From 5-7 June 2024 Rotterdam is the place to be for urban planners and developpers, architects, professionals in the mobility, energy, real estate, housing, tech and public ...

Workshop, Education, 3D models, University Jaen/IUIAI-UJA, Archaeology

Bridging Students with Research Professions

Fostering Research Culture in Secondary Education: The Explora-IES ProgrammeThe Explora-IES programme is tailored to ignite curiosity and foster creativity for research among secondary education (IES) students. Its dual objective aims to provide enriching opportunities and create...

Education, Iberian culture, workshop, University Jaen/IUIAI-UJA, Archaeology

Bridging Science and Youth: The 5DCulture Project @ School of Science

The 5Dculture project actively participated in the School of Science educational initiative, an engaging series of workshops held from March to April 2024 in Spain. Led by the University of Jaén, these workshops aimed to bring science and innovation closer to young minds. They so...

Project Meeting, Inception, Workshop, Project Presentation

Partner Meeting in Ferrara (9-10 April 2024)

Thanks to the courtesy of our partner INCEPTION, the project team was invited for the third in-person meeting to gather in the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Ferrara, Italy. For 1,5 days the project partners will stick their heads together, update each other, evaluate the past mon...

Project Presentation, News post, CARARE, WP4 Archaeology

5Dculture report @ Europeana Pro

Giving a comprehensive overview of what happened during first year of implementation in our project, Henk Alkemade (CARARE and WP4-leader) shared the results of our archaeology re-use cases in the news section of Europeana Pro. Read here about the activities by Discovery Programm...

Project Presentation, Workshop, Use Case Presentation, 4CH project

5Dculture @ 3D-ARCH – successful engagement

From 21-23. February 2024 the 10th international ISPRS and CIPA workshop “3D-ARCH” under the title “3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures” took place in Siena, Italy. Hearing the topic and call for contributions, our project team was quick to reply ...

Publication, TMO, WP5

Publication: A Digital 4D Information System on World Scale

The team of the Jena4D research group at the Digital Humanities Department of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena under the lead of Time Machine Organisation secretary and 5Dculture partner Jun.Prof. Dr. Sander Münster recently published a comprehensive overview of the challen...

News, IUIAI-UJA, Education, Interview

65 3D models of Iberian artefacts produced at Uni Jaén

The Research Institute for Iberian Archaeology of the University of Jaén (IUIAI-UJA) focusses its work within 5Dculture on the educational aspects of 3D models for school children and the use for people with disabilities. For this purpose, the team already produced 65 models of I...

CARARE, 3D Cultural Heritage, Webinar

Unlocking 3D Cultural Heritage

We're delighted to announce the latest developments from one of our project partners aimed at advancing the use of 3D technology and digitization within the realm of cultural heritage. CARARE, our 5Dculture partner, is continuing its webinar series on 3D content with a new event ...

IUIAI-UJA, Workshop, Education, Iberian culture

International Day for Women and Girls in Science & 5Dculture

On the occasion of the International Day for Women and Girls in Science (9-12 February 2024), the Institute of Research in Iberian Archaeology at the University of Jaén has organized an educational activity aimed at promoting gender equality and highlighting the role of women in ...

3D, Education, IUIAI-UJA

"Encuentros UJA" and 5Dculture

The "Encuentros UJA" (Meetings University of Jaén) is an initiative of the University of Jaén aimed at students in their final year of secondary education (around 17 years old). Over a two-week period (15-26 January 2024), students from various institutes in the province of Jaén ...

Twin it, Europeana, 3D

Supporting in sync: 5Dculture is Twin it! approved

It’s official: 5Dculture officially received the Twin it! label, cementing the support of the project to the campaign. The Twin it! campaign team at the Europeana Foundation warmly welcomed our initiative as part of the network of Twin it! Supporters.Twin It! 3D for Europe's Cult...

Event, News, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Inception, Project Presentation, Workshop

5Dculture @ 3D-ARCH Workshop (21-23 February 2024)

ISPRS (International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing) and CIPA (International Committee of Architectural Photogrammetry) are hosting the 10th issue of their international workshop in Siena, 21-23 February 2024. The major topic of the 2024 edition of the workshop wil...

Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Use Case Presentation, Researchers' Night

AR experience @ 2023 European Researchers’ Night

Our project partners Fondazione Bruno Kessler showcased 5DCulture successfully at the 2023 European Research Night at the MUSE - Museo delle Scienze - in Trento (Italy). At the dedicated booth, live demos displayed various project activities and related tools, highlighting the po...

Partner Event, Webinar, Twin It

Engaging Europe's Heritage: 5Dculture and CARARE unite for Twin It!

5Dculture and CARARE are actively rallying behind the Twin It! 3D for Europe's Culture campaign, a groundbreaking initiative urging European Union Member States' Ministries of Culture to contribute a 3D digitized heritage asset to the shared European cultural data space facilitat...

Project Presentation, Workshop, Conference, Use Case Presentation, CARARE

5Dculture @ CARARE 2023: Cultural Heritage in 3D

In support of the Twin It! 3D for Europe’s culture campaign, Anthony Corns (The Discovery Programme), Alberto Sanchez Vizcaino (University Research Institute of Iberian Archaeology, University of Jaén) and Henk Alkemade (CARARE) introduced the 5Dculture project during the CARARE ...

Use Case Presentation, News, Outreach

5Dculture @ Digital Gipfel 2023 (20-21 November 2023)

The 4DCity application is currently being developed at the Chair of Digital Humanities at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena and as such one of the use cases within the 5Dculture project. With this application, users can essentially transport themselves into the past and e...

News, Event, Report, Project Presentation

5Dculture on Europeana Pro News

During the recent MuseumNext Digital Collections Summit we presented our project and an exciting discussion followed. Based on the presentation and discussion we wrote an article that is published on Europeana Pro news. In the article we share how 5Dculture enriches the offer of ...

News, Conference, Presentation, Event

5Dculture @ ECTN Conference 2023 (18-21 October 2023)

From 18-21 October 2023 the 16th Conference for Cultural Tourism in Europe will be held in Pafos, Cyprus, with the overall theme "Smart Tourism - Smart Destinations: Cultural Heritage & Creativity, Digitalisation, Sustainability" discussing the latest trends in the field of c...

Arctur, 3D Cultural Heritage, News

3D in Tourism: Unlocking the Future of Travel Experiences

Ever wondered what the buzz is all about with 3D digitization, cultural heritage, and tourism? Well, you're not alone. In a world where technology is evolving at the speed of light, it's essential to explore the exciting opportunities and intriguing challenges that lie at the int...

Event, Conference, News, Presentation

CARARE 2023 – Cultural Heritage in 3D (12-13 October 2023)

On 12 and 13 October 2023 our partner CARARE will host its annual conference in The Hague (and online in Zoom), offering the network the opportunity to come together and to showcase technologies and share experiences of making archaeology collections accessible online.As part of ...

Workshop, Conference, News, Event

5Dculture @ EuropeanaTech 2023 (10 October 2023)

5Dculture partners CARARE, TMO and Inception will lead an in-person workshop at the renowned EuropeanaTech conference, staged in The Hague between 10th and 12th October 2023. This year's annual meeting of the EuropeanaTech community will run under the topic "Explore, Engage, Expe...

News, Event

5Dculture @ Culture & Creativity Days (10 October 2023)

Project partner TMO co-organises a panel discussion as part of the "European Culture & Creativity Days Vienna", an event kicking-off the newly established EIT Culture & Creativity Co-Location Centre in Vienna. The event is a day-long celebration covering different in...

News, Event

5Dculture @ European Researchers' Night (29 September 2023)

The European Researchers' Night is a Europe-wide public event, which displays the diversity of science and its impact on citizens' daily lives in fun, inspiring ways. This year, the event will take place in 26 countries on Friday 29 September 2023.The European Researchers' Night ...

News, Conference, Presentation, Event

5Dculture @ EFHA International Conference (27-28 November 2023)

Our project partners Centraal Museum Utrecht (CMU) and European Fashion Heritage Association (EFHA) jointly organised this year's international conference of the Association under the title "Future Heritage". The conference wants to look at new technologies and how these are bein...

News, Event

Kick-off meeting in Lindau (Bodensee)

The project partners of the 5Dculture consortium met in Lindau, Germany at the lake Bodensee for the kick-off of the project. The two days meeting took place on the 12th and 13th January 2023. The meeting started with a warm welcome, highlighting the significance of the diverse a...

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